Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blame the nut, not Conservatives.

Everything turns political in this day & age. Everything also can be blamed on Conservative, in the defected mindset of a liberal.

Yesterday afternoon in Washington D.C., a radical white supremacist stormed into a Holocaust museum, with only one intention - killing as many people as possible, thankfully due to a brave security guard who died in the line of duty, and other security guards - the attempt of massacre was stopped before it began.

Being a Conservative, this really pisses me off - because our largest ally, mentor, and friends are the Jewish people of the past via the Bible, and of the present via the Nation of Israel. The relationship between the American & Jewish people is closer then any two other Nations in the world could be.

Let the bashing & trashing begin.

Not even two hours after the shootout in Washington D.C., liberals on television, internet, and probably amongst themselves begin to blame Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, talk radio, Conservatism, FoxNews, the tea party movement, and anything else Conservative related for the attack on the Holocaust Museum Jewish memorial for those who were brutally killed & imprisoned by white supremacist dictator during world war 2.

Why are Conservatives blamed? Because we are exposing Obama? Because we are telling the America public what is ongoing?Because we create rage? Because we are radicals? Because the department of homeland security unfairly targeted Conservatives & over 70% of Americans in one way or another? All of those reasons are faulty.

Howabout we blame the shooter, and take a look at the unofficial list of people/beliefs that he hates or supports ;

He is a white supremacist, neo-nazi.

He also hates Christians, George W. Bush, and Neo-Cons (could be a codeword for Jews).

He also believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories.

He also launched an violent attack on an federal building during the Reagan administration to protest rising interest rates.

That list will probably continue to grow as we learn more about this sicko.

So how are Conservatives to blame?

We are not.

This man believes against everything Conservatives believe in, he advocates violence - we advocate debate, he advocates liberal viewpoints only, Conservatives believe God created all men equally, this idiot does not. I could easily make the case he is apart of left wing extremism, which has actually killed people.

I will not. Because this man is a complete nutjob, and that is it - he is also 100% not a Conservative, so MSNBC - get your darn facts straight.

Blame the nut, not Conservatives.

Also, see what happens when one of the over 100 million legal good gunowners whether for security or private reasons has a gun, they prevent violence, even more reason to get rid of all anti-gun laws. Why punish 100 million Americans, for the actions of 11,500 criminals.

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